Safety Rules for Riding a Personal Watercraft
1. Wear a Life Jacket
Always wear a life jacket. Ensure it fits properly and is securely fastened.

2. Use a Safety Lanyard
Attach the engine cutoff lanyard (safety key) to your wrist or life jacket. This ensures the engine stops if you fall off.

3. Know Your PWC
Familiarize yourself with the controls and operation of the PWC. Read ours manual and understand the safety labels.

4. Stay Sober
Never operate a PWC under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Stay alert and focused.

5. Follow Speed Limits
Observe local speed limits and no-wake zones. Reduce speed in crowded areas and near shorelines.

6. Be Aware of Your Surroundings
Constantly scan the water for other boats, swimmers, and obstacles. Keep a safe distance from other vessels and people.

7. Respect Marine Life
Avoid disturbing wildlife. Keep a safe distance from marine animals and do not chase or harass them.

8. Avoid Shallow Waters
Steer clear of shallow areas and underwater obstructions. This prevents damage to the PWC and reduces the risk of accidents.

9. No Reckless Driving
Avoid sharp turns, jumping wakes, and other risky maneuvers that can lead to loss of control or collisions.

10. Use Proper Signaling
Use hand signals or horn to communicate with other boaters. Make your intentions clear to avoid misunderstandings.

11. Limit Passengers
Do not exceed the passenger capacity of your PWC. Ensure all passengers wear life jackets and understand basic safety rules.

12. Stay Hydrated
Drink plenty of water and protect yourself from the sun with sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses.

By following these safety rules, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable experience on the water. Always prioritize safety for yourself and others while riding a personal watercraft.